


Tour 1

Rotasi, Mournia, Aba, Tris Ekklisies, Paranymfi, Platanias, past the summit of Kofinas and down to the Koudoumas Monastery.



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Before Mournia Mournia Twisted stones Aba
Towards Tris Ekklisies Tris Ekklisies New road to Tris Ekklisies On the road to Paranymfi
Paranymfi Paranymfi View Kofinas from north east
Kofinas from east The road to Koudoumas The coast line with the new road to Tris Ekklisies Koudoumas Monastery
The church of Koudoumas Monastery Down the north slope The Messara plain in the distance


Tour 2

Tour 3

Tour 4

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